Aerobic and anaerobic Respiration

The statements are about respiration.

  1. Aerobic respiration releases more energy per unit mass of glucose than anaerobic respiration.
  2. Aerobic respiration in muscles causes an oxygen debt to occur.
  3. Aerobic respiration forms carbon dioxide as the only waste product.
  4. Reduced aerobic respiration will limit the active uptake of mineral ions in the kidney tubules.
  5. When there is little oxygen available to muscles only anaerobic respiration occurs.
  6. Anaerobic respiration forms lactic acid as a waste product.

Which statements are correct?
Answer is 1,4,6

Could someone explain this?

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1 is correct because Aerobic Respiration involves the Glycolysis & the Electron Transport Chain where a large amount of ATP is produced (per glucose molecule). While Anaerobic Respiration simply involves Glycolysis where only 2 ATP molecules are made per cycle.
2 is incorrect because Oxygen Debt (EPOC) occurs when the body creates lactic acid and then needs extra oxygen to break it down before actually functioning normally
3 is incorrect because CO2 and H2O are waste products of Aerobic Respiration, not just CO2. (This sounds strange, but H2O is a waste product because the purpose of Aerobic Respiration is to create ATP)
4 is correct because the reabsorption of mineral ions in the kidney require active diffusion (and therefore ATP) to move the ions from low concentration to a high(er) concentration (the cells lining the PCT)
5 is incorrect since muscles always do aerobic respiration when there is even the slightest amount of oxygen in the blood. (so both aerobic and anaerobic would be occurring)
6 is correct since one type of anaerobic respiration (the one in mammals) produces lactic acid, which is a byproduct of producing ATP.


Thank you very much for the clear explanation.