ANOTHER typo (according to me) in an official IB diploma Chemistry book?

What is the mass in grams of one molecule of ethanoic acid?
A) 0.1
B) 3.6 x 10^25
C) 1 x 10^-22
D) 60

All of these options are wrong according to my calculations the answer should be: 9.973 x 10^-23

To find the mass of one molecule of ethanoic acid (CH3COOH), we first need to determine the molar mass of ethanoic acid and then convert that to the mass of a single molecule.

The molar mass of ethanoic acid can be calculated by adding the molar masses of each constituent atom:

C: 12.01 g/mol (2 atoms) → 24.02 g/mol
H: 1.01 g/mol (4 atoms) → 4.04 g/mol
O: 16.00 g/mol (2 atoms) → 32.00 g/mol

Total molar mass = 24.02 + 4.04 + 32.00 = 60.06 g/mol

Now we need to convert this to the mass of a single molecule. To do this, we can use Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 10^23), which represents the number of particles (atoms, molecules, ions, etc.) in one mole of a substance.

Mass of one molecule = (Molar mass of ethanoic acid) / (Avogadro’s number)

Mass of one molecule ≈ 9.97 x 10^-23 g

Now let’s compare this result to the given options:

A) 0.1
B) 3.6 x 10^25
C) 1 x 10^-22
D) 60

The value closest to our calculated result is option C) 1 x 10^-22. Keep in mind that the actual calculated value is approximately 9.97 x 10^-23 g, but option C is the closest available choice.