BMAT 2018 question 15

A champion weightlifter raises a 200kg set of weights from the floor to above his head in one movement. The bar is lifted through a vertical distance of 1.8m. When the lift is completed the weightlifter holds the weights stationary for 2.0 seconds and then drops them to the floor.

At what speed do the weights hit the floor? (gravitational field strength=10N/kg)

v 2=u2 +2as


what is the correct answer? please include it in your posts that way it’s easier for us to help you solve

Energy is conserved so :
10 * 1,8 = 1/2v²
36 = v²
6 = v

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thank you so much! yes it is 6m/s2, sorry for not including the answer in the original post.

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