Bologna, Padova and Bicocca applicants


For anybody who’s applying to Bologna, Padova and Bicocca, did you have to do a pre-evaluation? I emailed Padova and they just referred me to a website. Any information on the universities I mentioned above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hi Ahmadooo,

Good you have been in contact with Uni Padova.

Pre-evaluation is not an obligatory step for every candidate.
Your case is not going through a quite normal procedure due to your expiration of your permesso in September. Therefore, you had to go throurgh this step.

I suppose you have described your situation in your mail to Uni Padova thoroughly. And if they only have referred you to (most probably) the pre-enrollment page at, then it means that from the university’s side you are most probably recognized as an EU-candidate. I am sure, they will acknowledge that later if they have not responded to that this time. It can also be like they have referred you to the Italian immigration authorities inside Italy. Did they respond to the pre-enrollment step clearly?

In case you have been referred to the pre-enrollment step or immigration authorities, it means your permesso must get extended as I mentioned in our last communication.

I just want to make clear that pre-evaluation is for special circumstances like yours or other case types, except Uni Messina which is obligatory for everyone, EU as well as non-EU candidates.

If you want you can share their mail with me through the chat function at the upper right corner.

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