Burning out during the exam itself

What are some of your recommendations for overcoming the ‘burnt-out’ sensation while simulating IMAT past papers, or during the IMAT exam itself? In my case, after about 1 hour of solving an IMAT past paper, I noticed mental sluggishness that prevents me from thinking clearly, and I needed 5 minutes or more to solve just 1 question. I am switching between subjects every 20 minutes or so, so it cannot be because of that. I also tried taking small breaks, but it helped only for a short while.
Perhaps there are some students who faced this challenge and overcame it? Truly appreciate your ideas and tips, thanks a lot in advance!

Take a week or two off during August, enjoy the summer without thinking about the IMAT or trying to study a few cards per day, clear your mind, then study again.

take a hobby! when i was struggling with imat i went to swim 3-4 days a week for an hour in my first year. second year when i didn’t have a chance, i went out for a run- walk every single day for an hour and half. i walked around 5km everyday. really helpful both for your physical and mental health