please help me with this question i marked A but the answer says it’s B why option 2 is not correct?
thanks in advance

Mitosis doesn’t play a role in the growth. It onpy increase the number of cells.
Wouldn’t mitosis help a pluricellular organism grow?
But I agree for a unicellular organism, mitosis would grow the population but not the organism
thanks dorsa but isn’t the increase in no. of cells synonymous to growth in case of unicellular organisms.
Mo problem!
No they are not the same.
Whenever the word growth is mentioned alone it means the growth in size.
We should see the “growth in number of cells” words to consider this option as a correct sentence.
Hey guys! Does mitosis take part in asexual reproduction of prokaryotes ? Because I thought bacterial reproduction is by fission
Hey it doesnt!
It’s only for eukaryotes… bacteria use binary fission and budding.
It helps multicellular organisms to grow.