IMAT 2012 Q23 [Arguments | Calories]

According to the Food Standards Agency, film goers should be told how many calories there are in the popcorn, ice cream and fizzy drinks that they buy in cinemas and smaller portions of popcorn and drinks should also be available. As two thirds of adults and a third of children are already obese or overweight, with serious risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, the need for proper labelling to warn people about the calorie content of these items is urgent.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument in the passage above?

A. People who are overweight are sometimes more concerned with their looks than the long term health risks.
B. A large box of salted popcorn contains as many calories as a three course meal.
C. Cinemas rely on sales of food and drink to boost their profits.
D. Trials show that consumers alter their eating habits when food is calorie-labelled.
E. Many people think that the food and drink consumed at the cinema is as important to the visit as the film.


  1. Find the Argument
  2. Find supporting evidence in the text, this is needed before we analyse our possible answers.
  3. Eliminate easy options
    These will be the answers that are opposite to what you want (ex. Strengthen instead of weakening)
  4. Determine which answer strengthens or weakens the argument THE MOST

The passage is about the need for calorie labelling and better portion size control at the cinemas. If we want to strengthen the argument here, we want to prove that these changes will have a positive effect (ex. Change in eating habits) or that there is even more need based on an additional fact (ex. because there are more calories than people actual realize, it is important to properly inform people). Now let’s look at the answer:

A. People who are overweight are sometimes more concerned with their looks than the long term health risks;

This does not encourage the change called for by the author. This potentially even weakens the argument because it says that even if people are warned of these calories they will not care. Therefore this does not strengthen the answer and A is incorrect.

B. A large box of salted popcorn contains as many calories as a three course meal;

This is a fact that could strengthen the argument by showing how much need there really is for these changes to occur, however this does not strengthen the argument the most. It is a weaker fact that is not touching on the solution. Something that would better strengthen the argument is something that shows that these suggested changes (smaller portion, call tracking) will actually have a large impact (we will see). Therefore B is incorrect.

C. Cinemas rely on sales of food and drink to boost their profits;

This is not a relevant option because we are talking about the health importance of what you eat at the cinema, not the profits they make. Whether or not the cinema makes a lot of money does not change the fact that there is a lot of obesity, and there is a need for proper labelling. Therefore C is incorrect.

D. Trials show that consumers alter their eating habits when food is calorie-labelled;

This answer is showing that after implementing change like the one suggested here, there is a change in eating habits. This strengthens the argument because it shows that there is a benefit to having food calories labelled, so there is more likely going to be a positive change in those who maybe did not know earlier. This strengthens the argument by proving the solution is likely to have a positive effect. Therefore D is correct.

E. Many people think that the food and drink consumed at the cinema are as important to the visit as the film;

This is an irrelevant statement, what does this change? Depending on how you interpret it, this could slightly strengthen the argument because if the food and drink are important, maybe it could mean that it is important to be informed about what you consume, but this requires a huge assumption. This could also weaken the argument because maybe people think that at the movies the snacks are important so who cares about the calories as it is a special occasion. Because this answer is weak and not certain, it cannot be correct.