IMAT 2012 Q62 chemistry

What is the react metal ? I want solution !

let’s analyze each answer options to check which of them are not correct:
A. these are all metals and metals form basic oxides so this statement is correct.
B. transition metals are dense so this also makes sense.
C. Copper for sure is not a reactive metal, so we instantly know the correct answer is C.
D. transition metals form variable oxidation states and +2 is one of them
E. Only 2 of them (cu and Fe forms colored ions) so this option is not our answer.
Hope it helps:)

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which of them does not form a coloured ion? Is it Zn or Cu? I know for sure Fe causes colours in the 2+ and 3+ state

Thanks for pointing it out i mistakenly wrote it they form coloured ions rather it should be only cu and Fe as Zn having a completely filled d orbitals doesn’t forms colored ions it 's not even considered a transition element(Pseudo transition).

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Yes that makes sense!! Thank you :))

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