IMAT 2015 Q12 [Conclusion | Sports]

Sports are played either as a means of getting exercise or as a competition with an opponent. Some sports, such as football, involve a large amount of running and some people are more motivated to run when it is part of a game. Other sports, such as pool, do not involve much physical activity and so it is unlikely that they would be played for the exercise.

Which one of the following conclusions is best supported by the passage above?

A. Football is a better sporting activity than pool.

B. There is no point in running as a hobby, since football is more fun.

C. It is easier to exercise when it is as part of another activity, such as playing sport.

D. People who play pool are more likely to be interested in the competition than those who play football.

E. Since the main reason for playing sports is to get exercise, pool should not be classified as a sport.

Summary of Steps to Solve:

  • Read the Question (Every question)
  • Go through the text and underline evidence
  • Read the answer and eliminate the outliers
    • (easiest to eliminate contradictory conclusions)
  • Using the underlined evidence and examples, prove each conclusion. Ask yourself “is this another piece of evidence? Or is this proved and strengthened by what’s in the text?”
  • Remember to ignore bias and disregard answers that may be true in the real world, but are not supported in the text.

This question type will not have the conclusion as straightforwardly stated as other types of questions, we will have to do some extrapolation. We are told in the text that certain sports such as pool do not involve as much physical activity, and this creates a question, why do we play them? The key to answering this question is understanding this, we need to figure out why people would play these other sports.

A Football is a better sporting activity than pool.

This is a subjective statement. From the text, we can conclude it is a better sport in terms of more physical activity, but we do not know what makes a better sport (it could be based on enjoyment for example). Therefore A is incorrect.

B There is no point in running as a hobby, since football is more fun.

The text does not talk about how fun sports are, the two main considerations in the text are the amount of physical activity you have during a sport, or the amount of competition. Some people may be more motivated to run in sport, but it would be a projection to say that everyone is this way. Therefore B is incorrect.

C It is easier to exercise when it is as part of another activity, such as playing sport.

This cannot be inferred from the text as there are unconsidered exercise methods. Maybe working out is easier for strictly exercise compared to sport, however it is not considered. Therefore C is incorrect as it makes too large of a generalization.

D People who play pool are more likely to be interested in the competition than those who play football.

In the text, it tells us that sports are played either for getting exercise or as competition, therefore pool must be played for competition. We know that football involves more physical activity, so it would follow that it is played for means of getting exercise instead of competition. Therefore D is the answer since we can conclude that people who play pool are more interested in competition, and people who play football are more interested in the physical activity aspect.

E Since the main reason for playing sports is to get exercise, pool should not be classified as a sport.

This is not what is stated in the text. The text clearly says that ‘Sports are played either as a means of getting exercise or as a competition with an opponent’. Therefore pool should be classified as a sport if it is played for competition with an opponent. As a result, E is incorrect.

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