IMAT 2020 Q1 [Argument | Prison Books]

In some countries, prisoners may purchase books with the money they earn by working. Hence receiving gifts of books may discourage prisoners from undertaking paid work while in prison. This work is important in building self-esteem and encouraging a work ethic among prisoners. In any case, prisoners have access to books through the prison library. Therefore prisoners
should not be allowed to receive parcels containing books from friends or relatives while they are serving their sentence.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?

A. Many parcels of books sent by relatives or friends have been found to contain illegal drugs.

B. Prisoners often read detective stories which may encourage them to glamorise crime.

C. The range of books available in prison libraries is limited.

D. Many prisoners have difficulty finding work when they are released because of their low level of literacy.

E. Prisoners have to purchase a range of items from their wages, including a television licence.

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  • Find the Argument
  • Find supporting evidence in the text, this is needed before we analyse our possible answers.
  • Eliminate easy options
  • These will be the answers that are opposite to what you want (ex. Strengthen instead of weakening)
  • Determine which answer strengthens or weakens the argument THE MOST

Some of the answer options we have can seem tricky to sort through, so we really need to identify what the conclusion and evidence are in the text, and from there we can figure out what will best support the argument. The author talks about the cons of having prisoners receive books from outside support while serving their sentence. The conclusion can be found in the last sentence: “Therefore prisoners should not be allowed to receive parcels containing books from friends or relatives while they are serving their sentence.” Notice the use of ‘therefore’, which is often a giveaway of a conclusion. The author states that prisoners should not be able to receive parcels containing books, so in order to strengthen this argument made, we need to provide additional reasons or strengthen current evidence to show why they should not be allowed to be sent parcels with these books. The reasons the author provides are related to motivation, the author believes it may make prisoners less likely to work for money (which they would otherwise use on books). Now let’s take a look at the answer.

A Many parcels of books sent by relatives or friends have been found to contain illegal drugs.

This choice gives us another reason why prisoners should not be allowed to receive packages containing books. This strengthens the argument by giving additional reasons why the author’s conclusion is for the best and should be completed. Therefore A is correct because it provides additional reasons as to why the conclusion should be supported.

B Prisoners often read detective stories which may encourage them to glamorise crime.

The problem which this answer is that the prisoners still have access to books inside the prison through working and the library, so they could still access these stories. We are not told of any restrictions in the prison, meaning these detective books are not known to be banned. If they weren’t banned inside the prison, then it would not matter if they were sent these books from outside, and this is why B is incorrect. This answer could maybe strengthen a text that wants to ban books entirely but not in this case.

C The range of books available in prison libraries is limited.

This could be taken in different ways, but mainly it could weaken the argument instead of strengthening it. The lack of books in the library may make prisoners more reluctant to work, and it would encourage more the need for books to be mailed in from the outside. Therefore C is incorrect.

D Many prisoners have difficulty finding work when they are released because of their low level of literacy.

This could also weaken the argument because receiving books from relatives would encourage the prisoners to read, and it gives them another source to obtain books and practice their literacy. Therefore D is also incorrect.

E Prisoners have to purchase a range of items from their wages, including a television licence.
This would weaken the argument that receiving books from the outside may demotivate prisoners to undertake paid work in the prison because, even if they receive books from the outside, they could have other things to save up for and want to buy. This would still provide the incentive to work even if the prisoners got books from outside, therefore E is incorrect.

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