IMAT 2021 Q31 [meiosis chromosomes]

Sorry if the photo wasn’t uploaded correctly, I’m new here.
Anyways I’m confused the row 1 and row 3 have the same divion pattern so they both follow the process of meiosis,. However the answer sheet says correct answer is row 3. can anybody help me solving this or correcting me if i’m missing something?

First of all let’s understand how many chromosomes the parent cell had. 4 pairs of homologous chromosomes means it had 8 chromosomes in total( n=4 2n=8 , if we were talking about human cells: 4 from mother and 4 from father, thus 2 homologous cromosomes form 1 pair.

At the end of meiosis 1 we have two cells with 4 pairs of sister chromatides joined together, that makes 4 doubled chromosomes in total.(sister chromatides form when cell prepares itself for devision and doubles its chromosomes)

After meiosis 2, we have 4 cells with 4 chromosomes( consisting from 1 chromatide each).

I’m not sure if that is the right answer, but that was how I explained that to myself.