Hi! I cannot understand why the answer to this question is 0. May anyone help me solving this problem?

Two haploid gametes fertilize to give a diploid zygote that replicates by mitosis to give two identical daughter cells. How many copies of each chromo- some are present in a daughter cell when the cells separate at the end of mitosis?

Where is the question from? Sounds like it could be an error.

If a gamete (haploid 23) is fertilized it becomes a zygote (diploid 46).
If the zygote undergoes Mitosis it produces (2) diploid daughter cells both with 46 chromosomes (2n).

When the cell undergoes Mitosis, DNA double helix is replicated semi conservatively - one single strand from the template and one from the lagging producing (92) Chromatids & (92) Chromosomes count. OR 4 separate chromosomes and 4 chromatids, 2 of which are copies made from the original lagging and leading strands to produce the DNA needed to form a new double helix (2n) daughter cell.


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I’ve found this exercise on a training book for the Imat test (Edises edition) but there’s no explanation given and i can’t understand how it could be possible that the daughter cells from the diploid zygote (by the mitosis process) have 0 copies of each chromosome…

I would ignore this question unless someone else can come up with a plausible answer…it doesn’t make sense