Parma First year WhatsApp Group Chat Link POSTED LINK

Please only join if accepted or else we will have to remove you.

Hi everyone,

Congratulations to all those who wrote the IMAT and I wish you the best while you wait for the results. I wanted to update the applicants who chose the University of Parma, we have made a Whatsapp group for all those admitted in the first year. I will post the link to the group chat very soon under this post, so please check back after the official ranking has come out and you will find the link on this post.

The group chat is made and moderated by only students, some in the English programs and some in the Italian stream. It is a great place to meet your future classmates and to ask for any advice or help as you complete this change.

Please only join the group if you are accepted, any other questions you can reply to this post and I can do my best to answer.

Best regards and I look forward to meeting you,
