Summary of pre-enrollment?

I heard that the university will send you a summary after you complete the pre-enrollment.
If anyone has received one, can you tell me which university you applied to?
FYI, I’m non-EU.

I’m adding this for anyone who might read this post.
When I did not receive an email from the school about pre-enrol, there was no button to download the summary PDF file.
So I saved it in a different format, referring to the comments, but today I received an email from school and there was a green (pdf download) button in the summary.

hello! This summary depends on the chosen university and application location/date. it may vary from person to person. the university checks your documentation and then sends you the pre-enrollment summary so it’s not an automatic process. don’t worry if you haven’t received it yet. most of the universities were in holiday, if you are concerned mail the international desk at your chosen university. have a nice day!

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Thanks for your kind reply!
I was anxious because I couldn’t consider being on vacation.:joy:

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Hey I got this email few days ago from, and you can check your summary by - My page (after you login) - click 'domanda di preiscrizione - vai alla domanda vai allo step b and c - piepilogo - and finally the green button at the top.

Thanks for the detailed answer!
By the way, does the green button appear after registration after passing?
I went in as instructed and checked the summary. But there was no button to download it.

You can press command + S (or ctrl + S) to save the file on your laptop :blush:

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