Traveling between Florence and bologna

I want to ask if I live in Florence and study in university of bologna then what will be traveling expenses for whole month and would that be convenient?

It takes about 1.5 hours to travel in between and about 10-15 EUR per ticket, I am sure you can make it cheaper with a subscription. btw why would you live in Florence and study in Bologna? sounds very inconvinient

I want to study at bologna but I really liked Florence as a city so that’s is the reason I want to live in Florence and when I googled it was written there that it takes 37 minutes to travel between Florence and bologna via train

Isn’t there any thing like an annual or a monthly train ticket between Florence and bologna

You’d miss on social life and city life with people from your university and isolate yourself, as well as spend a lot of time traveling
Won’t it be wiser to live next to your university and travel to Florence from time to time?
37 minutes by the single-stop direct train which is usually much more expensive