University of Parma First Year Schedule

1)What are time tables in parma for first year student?
2)When exams are held?Does classes go on along with exams?
3)what about vacation in parma?
4)Are exams in parma oral or written?

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Let me summon the @ColeF1


Physico-chemical bases of life – 8 CFU
Cells & tissues – 9 CFU
Statistics, research methodology & safety regulation – 5 CFU
Molecular biology, genetics & genomics – 6 CFU
Elective courses – 2 CFU
Biochemistry – 12 CFU
Human anatomy & organogenesis – 12 CFU
Elective courses – 3 CFU (these were lessons in hospitals, ex. sutures with practice pads, X-ray anatomy, laparoscopic anatomy, etc…)

I do not have the schedule at the moment because they are updating their website. I will attach a sample image. First semester has a lot of little courses, I think they might make a change next year but for us we had around 10 exams, and your schedule is more variable a week as there are a few core big courses like histology and then smaller courses like microbiology (intro) and public health. It had 6 hours of classes a day and 5 days a week. Second semester was alternating biochem and anatomy, 6 hours of lessons a day, 4 days a week. We had a few fridays off but most were spent doing electives.

Exams: There is exams in December (1-2 weeks before Christmas), there is 1-2 weeks of exams in April and then 1-2 weeks vacation. Then you have class till end of may/first week june and exams are june july September. There is always a 1-2 week gap between exams except at Christmas or if they are partials (sometimes you can have a partial exam like midway through anatomy).

Exams are mostly written but there are oral options for anatomy and biochem. We had written pre-exams for them, and then if you wait they will be oral.


Wont let me upload the image for some reason but it was a schedule:


10:30am-1:30pm Anatomy
1 hour lunch
2:30pm-5:30pm Anatomy


10:30am-1:30pm Biochemistry
1 hour lunch
2:30pm-5:30pm Biochemistry


10:30am-1:30pm Anatomy
1 hour lunch
2:30pm-5:30pm Anatomy


10:30am-1:30pm Biochemistry
1 hour lunch
2:30pm-5:30pm Biochemistry

Also note that you often have the same prof for the whole day and attendance is mandatory